The concept of the Pokemon universe, in both the video games and the general fictional world of Pokemon, stems from the hobby of insect collecting, a popular pastime which Pokemon executive director Satoshi Tajiri-Oniwa enjoyed as a child.Players of the games are designated as Pokemon Trainers, and the two general goals (in most Pokemon games) for such Trainers are: to complete the Pokedex by collecting all of the available Pok�mon species found in the fictional region where that game takes place; and to train a team of powerful Pok�mon from those they have caught to compete against teams owned by other Trainers, and eventually become the strongest Trainer: the Pok�mon Master. These themes of collecting, training, and battling are present in almost every version of the Pok�mon franchise, including the video games, the anime and manga series, and the Pok�mon Trading Card Game.
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